What’s On?
30th June 7pm Branch Meeting (Zoom call-in details available, see our Facebook page or email membership@edinburghrafa.org.uk)
16th Sept 10am-4pm Come and meet the committee at our Battle of Britain Wings collection at St.Andrew’s Square, Edinburgh
28th Sept 7pm Branch Meeting (Zoom call-in details available, see our Facebook page or email membership@edinburghrafa.org.uk)
26th Oct 7pm Branch Meeting (Zoom call-in details available, see our Facebook page or email membership@edinburghrafa.org.uk)
Early Nov TBC Quiz Evening (Venue TBC)
30th Nov 7pm Branch Meeting (Zoom call-in details available, see our Facebook page or email membership@edinburghrafa.org.uk)
Early Dec TBC Film Afternoon at The Scotsman Hotel, Edinburgh
Anyone for Coffee?
I would be delighted to arrange monthly morning coffee or afternoon tea meetings with fellow members of RAFA and the wider RAF Family in our area.
First, I need to know who would like to join me, then we can choose a suitable place. I would hope to have more than one meet-up and in different parts of our area, say one in each of the 5 counties.
Please let me, Sue Gillott, know if you are interested:
Email: member-sg@edinburghrafa.org.uk
Tel: 07974 929084