Your Branch President looking cool in 1966, whilst defending the West – the line of trees in the background is the East/West Berlin fortified border
Dear All Please be advised that until such time as the Branch Committee/Trustees consider further arrangements – please make contact via: MEMBERSHIP/DATA PROTECTION – (Bob Bertram) NEWSLETTER – Bob Bertram Branch Chairman
Check out our new Facebook page
Don’t forget to INVITE and SHARE with your fb friends and groups
Branch now on Facebook
I have set up a FB page for the branch under “RAF Association Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Branch”. Please use as you wish, any comments welcome. BobB Ps David is looking at putting the link on the new website
Just in case there is any debate in the future, the “Edinburgh” Branch of the organisation which preceded RAFA was formed on 16th October 1931 i.e. 5 years before the Royal Air Forces Association as we know it! A certificate signed by the Association’s national President Air Marshal Sir Dusty Miller KBE was received by […]
Branch Wings Coordinator/Air Cadet Liaison
We need someone to work with other committee and members of the branch; to help plan and run the various fund-raising bag-packs (sometimes in conjunction with local air cadet units) and other similar events. Also to establish contacts and mutual support between the Branch and Air Cadets in our area. Are you able to provide […]
Newsletter 56
Another great read … thanks Brian!
Area Conference 2014
Anyone planning to go to this years Area Conference? If you know the date and venue please let us all know, thanks.
Branch Outing
We’ve nothing planned as yet but would like to hear your suggestions…
Bag Packs – Wings 2014
Looking forward to the next wave of Bag Packs. Thanks to the Air Cadets we should get off to a flying start!