"Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders Branch launches the Opening Doors project to mark our Branch 90th Anniversary"
To mark the above anniversary, the Branch has launched an ‘Opening Doors’ partnership project; this to renew and enhance existing contacts as well as creating new partnerships within our community.
First off the go are our partnerships with the South East of Scotland Wing of the RAF Air Cadets and 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron RAuxAF. We are grateful to Wing Commander Barry McAdam RAFAC Officer Commanding SESW and Squadron Leader Derek Read Officer Commanding 603 Squadron for their positive support.
The branch has now created a ‘Partnerships Sub Committee’ which will include representatives of our partners as well as branch trustees and members. The next step is for the branch to make direct contact with the 20 SESW Squadrons within or adjacent to our branch territory; and to discuss the way forward with both organisations.
In addition to the above; the branch has reached out to other organisations within our community with a view to creating ‘meaningful and mutually beneficial’ contact.
The organisations that the branch has made contact with to date include:
- The RAFVR(T) Officers Association
- Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Clubs (AFVBC)
- Scottish Men’s Sheds Association (SMSA)
- The Church of the Good Shepherd Murrayfield Edinburgh
It is hoped that through time these partnerships will bear fruit to the benefit of all.