In friendship and in service one to another, we are pledged to keep alive the memory of those of all Nations who died in the Royal Air Force and the Air Forces of the Commonwealth. In their name we give ourselves to this noble cause.
Proudly and thankfully we will remember them.
Unveiling of plaque on 6the June 2019 to Group Captain James Stagg on the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. Group Captain Stagg was Chief Meteorologist to the WWII Operation Overlord Planning Team in 1943. He was brought up and went to school in Dalkeith; branch chairman Bob Bertram attended to represent the RAF Association.
Annual Branch Church Service in The Church of the Good Shepherd Murrayfield Edinburgh Sunday 28th April 2019
ELB Branch Chairman Bob Bertram meeting with namesake ‘John Bertram’ and wife Mary (nee Gordon) from Canada. John and Mary were on a tour of Scotland, stopping off in St Andrews to stay with friends – coincidentally the Annual S&NI Area (East) BBQ was being held nearby a pleasant afternoon was experienced. NOTE: Although a firm family connection has yet to be made; Bob and John have kept in touch for many years after John visited Bob when he worked at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.
East Lothian Veterans Breakfast Club Meet 2018
Ex Spitfire Pilot and Branch Member Bob Glasgow –
died 26 October 2018
Haddington Festival of Remembrance 10th November 2018
(branch Standard Bearer George Prentice 2nd from right)
Branch Member Emma Kidston laid the RAFA Wreath on behalf of Scotland & NI Area 11th November 2018
S/Ldr Jim Lewis RAF (Retd) D. 22/5/2018 in his 100th year
Ex ATC Adult Warrant Officer & FltLt (RAFVRT) Charlie Flynn 1271 (Bathgate) Squadron ATC D. 23/5/2018 (right forefront).
Ex WW2 veteran John Tuke (Loanhead) passed away early 2018
Funeral order of service for past branch & area treasurer FltLt David Edwards RAFVR(T) died 2018
WW2 RAF Veteran Ernie Thomas(Tranent) funeral on his 100th birthday 9 August 2017
Ernie Thomas fulfilling a life-time wish – parading at the Cenotaph London 2016
Ex S&NI Area Director Gair Brisbane laying charity wreath at City Chambers Edinburgh November 2016
RAF Veteran Jack-tulley-jackson-haddington- Branch wreath-laying-2016. Passed away 31 May 2017
Peter Peace passed away 17/4/2017 (shown with AVM Ross Patterson AOC Scotland circa 2016
Ex WW2 WAAF Vi Turner on her 102nd birthday 2014 (passed away October 2016)
Branch participation in Somme Vigil at Shrine of the Scottish National War Memorial 1/7/2016
Mrs Doris Wheatley on her 100th Birthday 2014, branch bouquet being presented by Branch Secretary Susan Kidston
Branch Memorial for Sgt Pat Donlevy RAFVR (Pathhead) in Dalkeith Cemetery D. 13/7/1943 (also see War Grave below)
Branch memorial for Pathhead 19 year old Pat Donlevey buried in Dalkeith Cemetery circa 2015
Funeral order of service for branch member Charlie Hogarth (Galashiels) who died October 2015
In memory of AVM David Whittaker S&NI Area President who died October 2015
Branch Standard Bearer George Prentice at Memorial to Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, within grounds of family seat in Scottish Borders 2015
Branch Standard Bearer George Prentice at Memorial for David Haines, Scottish hostage murdered in Syria September 2014.