RAFA, The Royal Air Forces Association (or RAF Association), is a membership organisation and registered charity that provides welfare support to the RAF Family.
Receiving no government contributions, our work is completely funded by the generosity of our members and through vital donations from our supporters to the Wings Appeal.
We assist around 50 RAF veterans or their widows/widowers to lead safe, independent lives in our sheltered and supported housing.
Through the RAF Families Federation we give RAF personnel and their families the chance to influence future policy.
We distribute more than £1.2m in welfare grants to serving and ex-serving personnel.
We are also working in partnership with Alabaré and The Soldier’s Charity to fund a facility helping homeless ex-military personnel to rebuild their lives.
Of course, this work needs your support. So please do take the time to look around the site, find out more, and discover the ways that you can help.